The catalogue cover of The Machine.
The Museum of Modern Art issued the following press release:
The Machine As Seen at the End of the Mechanical Age by K.G. Pontus Hultén, an exploration of artists' changing attitudes toward technology as demonstrated in their works. The story of how artists of this century have looked upon and interpreted machines in attitudes ranging from devotion and even idolatry to deepest pessimism and despair is the subject of an exhibition of more than 200 works of art and related objects on view at The Museum of Modern Art from November 27 through February 9. The Machine as Seen at the End of the Mechanical Age was directed by Hultén, Director of Moderna Museet, Stockholm, who is also the author of the accompanying catalog bound in tin-can steel.
Nine recent works, produced by the collaboration of artists and engineers for a competition sponsored by E.A.T., for the Museum, include the three prizewinners: a construction of red dust activated by the sound of heart beats; a mechanical fountain; and a cybernetic sculpture.
Simultaneously, Some More Beginnings, a show of 150 works submitted to the E.A.T. competition, will be shown at the Brooklyn Museum under the direction of Dr. W. Klüver, President of E.A.T.