E.A.T. began to publish a newsletter, the first issue appeared on January 15, 1967, and it became an instant success. Julie Martin became editor. After 5 issues of E.A.T. News it was split into E.A.T. Operations and Information and a newspaper, TECHNE, which appeared in 2 issues. E.A..T. then published a series called E.A.T. Proceedings of documents generated by current activities.
E.A.T. Bibliography: 1965-1980 was a summary of material published by E.A.T. and compilation of articles in the press on E.A.T. activities. Publications documenting E.A.T. Projects include: 9 Evenings: Theatre & Engineering; Some More Beginnings; Pavilion, and New York Collection for Stockholm.

E.A.T. News Volume 1, Number 1,
January 15, 1967

E.A.T. News Volume 1, Number 4,
December 20, 1967

E.A.T. Proceedings Number 1,
April 21, 1967

E.A.T. News Volume 1, Number 2,
June 1, 1967

E.A.T. News Volume 2, Number 1,
March 18, 1968

E.A.T. Proceedings Number 4,
December 16, 1968

E.A.T. News Volume 1, Number 3,
November 15, 1967

E.A.T. News, Collected Volume,
January 1967 - March 1968

E.A.T. Proceedings Number 5,
March 17, 1969

E.A.T. Proceedings Number 9,
March 19, 1968

E.A.T. Operations & Information
Number 1, November 1, 1968

9 Evenings: Theatre & Engineering, 1966

E.A.T. 1970

E.A.T. Bibliography, 1980

TECHNE, Volume 1, Number 1,
April 14, 1969

E.A.T. Operations & Information
Number 2, April 24, 1969

Some More Beginnings: Experiments in Art and Technology, 1968

Pavilion, 1972

TECHNE, Volume 1, Number 2,
November 6, 1970

E.A.T. Operations & Information
Number 3, May 15, 1969

E.A.T. Clippings, April 1960-July 1969, Volume 1,Number 1, 1969

The New York Collection for Stockholm, 1973

Automation House Newsletter